Friday, October 21, 2011

A Muffin-y Introduction

Hey Everyone!

The Sleepy Muffin here, and thanks for taking the time to read my blog! I hope you enjoy my posts as much as I plan to enjoy writing them. Right now I'm planning on writing about Pinterest ideas, food related topics, local events, and basically anything else that catches my eye. 

Since I also I love being able to put a personal, more unique touch on things in my home so I'll most likely write about DIY projects I've completed and my adventures at thrift stores as well.

So what actually motivates a muffin to get up from her nap and write a blog?

Well, after some encouragement from my husband, I decided to share my passions and interests here. He insisted after we got married that I was creative and that tended to create a monster cause the quantity of projects and ideas I came up with exploded. I honestly feel bad for him cause I often hear him muttering "Your crafting stuff is EVERYWHERE" fairly often. Although I drive him crazy with my tendency to leave project supplies all over the house, he is truly my biggest fan and supporter. This blog really isn't possible without him (maybe since I said all that sweetly he'll take me to go get some pie, he he).  

That being said, I'm actually ready to go to sleep again. Until next time!


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